Note: This not only applies for the cadet pilot program but also for future job/internship applications
- CV – Curriculum Vitae – 2 pages long
Resume – a one-page condensed version of a CV
- Add your email address, phone number and Nationality below the main heading
- Use a template which can be found on Microsoft word or just Google free downloadable templates
- Keep a consistent layout i.e. same format & font size for headings and the contents
- Check for punctuation/spelling errors. This is one of the many reasons why ppl got rejected
- Use bullet points
- Keep the bullet points short and concise
- Ensure sufficient spacing between bullet points and contents are readable
- List your job experiences/education institutions in reverse chronological order starting with the most recent one at the top
Essential Requirements:
- Minimally 18 years old (as required by regulations in Air Navigation Order).
- Legally entitled to work in Singapore upon completion of training.
GCE ‘O’ level and above. A minimum of 5 Credits in the GCE ‘O’ level or its equivalent at one sitting. These must include English, Mathematics and a Science subject, preferably Physics.
- Qualify for Class I & II unrestricted medical certification as approved by the Civil Aviation Medical Board (CAMB).
- Good visual acuity of at least 6/60 without optical aid, correctable to 6/6 and not colour blind.
- Be able to commit to a period of 18 months of consecutive training with no disruption.
- Physically and mentally fit.
Desirable Traits:
- A keen learner with a strong passion for aviation
- A team player who demonstrates composure, confidence and maturity
- A sense of humour to brighten up the day of everyone around you
- Definitely the ‘Scootitude’ DNA in you!
source: https://betteraviationjobs.com/job/scoot-cadet-pilot-programme-september-2018/
- Don’t use the same CV/Resume for multiple job applications. An example is shown above. U want to include the words described in the desirable traits listed by the employer e.g. passion for aviation, confidence, composure, etc. This is because HR wouldn’t look at all the applications but filter the ones that match their desired attributes.
- For fresh graduates, the education section should be the 1st section of your CV/Resume
- For experienced professionals, the work experience section is the 1st section in your CV/Resume
- Don’t include all of your past experiences but list down the ones that are relevant to the job you are applying for.
Above template is for fresh graduates.
Cover letter
- Its is a motivational letter to showcase your ability for the job
- Don’t repeat too much of the CV/Resume contents.
- Can explain one/two of the experiences in the CV
- For a LinkedIn profile, use a decent profile picture as this gives a good 1st impression
- Same method if you were to include your social media links in your resume/CV/LinkedIn and your social media account name should be a decent one.
- Some useful references
Useful Attachments(Download):
Resume Templates:
Will attach soon