Principles of Flight, Aircraft General Knowledge (Power plant, Electronics and Airframe & Systems), Communication.
Link: HMA | Ground School Training-Phase 1 Review, Tips + Notes
2. Mass & Balance, Performance, Human Performance & Limitations, Instrumentation, Meteorology.
Link:HMA | Ground School Training -Phase 2 Review, Tips + Notes
Air Law (CAAM), Operation, Flight Planning, General Navigation, Radio Navigation.
Link: HMA | Ground School Training – Phase 3 Review, Tips + Notes
Insightful blog
Thank You Aunty
Hi capt.. Im very interested to become a pilot.. I have no idea how i want to start and till join the flying academy school . I dont have mentor or friend in this field. Capt please help to guide me. This is my contact num 0168885754
Hey Bro
I am not a pilot yet..still a student
Will contact you
Okay bro
Can you recommend any YouTube channel for the 14 ATPL subjects
Hi Ryan
Pro Pilot Used To Be The Best
Not sure if its available now