Pilot Visnu
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Home Aviation I Don’t Have Funds For Flight Training – What Should I Do?

I Don’t Have Funds For Flight Training – What Should I Do?

by Visnu

Due to the shortage of pilots in malaysia, students from flying schools are being instantly absorbed. However, training to become a pilot is an expensive proposition.

Although you will earn handsomely, you must be prepared for the steep initial cost of training that can push you into a financial air pocket, irrespective of whether you train in Malaysia or abroad.

All is not lost for those who will no longer get a maintenance grant. While the costs of higher education have undoubtedly gone up in recent years, there is evidence to suggest that getting a flying license can be a great career investment, and there are still many ways you can get the money to fund your studies.

Now Everyone Can Stop The Obsession Of Getting Loan For Flight Training – Layang Layang Flying Academy

1. Airline Cadetship (Recommended)

Cadet pilot programme seems to be a great opportunity for passionate peoples who would like to continue their career as a pilot. It is basically same as a private cadet, just that a special loan structure, monthly allowances , medical benefits and a job security is provided. By this you will not have to worry about getting a job after graduating from flying school. Air Asia maybank loan provides 400K with 8% interest which then you will be bonded with air asia and monthly salary will be deducted. Get updates about cadetship here.


2. Join The Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF)

Firstly what you should do is, continue studies at UPNM & join the RMAF as a cadet . You can apply UPNM after SPM or matriculation/asasi. Its open to public and the selection process is one of the gruesome ones. There are two ways of applying this, one of the way is by UPU application. The other way is by TUDM direct application: http://www.airforce.mil.my/kerjaya/pengambilan-terkini

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3. Scholarship From Private Companies

Malaysian youths from underprivileged backgrounds from all over the country will start on a new journey towards making their dreams a reality!There are many companies such as Honda Dream Fund, ABB Groups, Cagamas, etc. You just need to know when and how to apply for this scholarship.


4. PTPTN ( Pending )

A great news for everyone, recently we knew that those under airline cadetship only allowed to get ptptn loan for piloting.Newly heard from HMA Chief Of Instructor that HMA will be changing its name as a subsidiary of Meritus College. By this private students are allowed to get ptptn loan about 320k and a remaining 30k loan from Meritus itself. You will be undergoing a diploma class of about 6 months before starting your flight training. Keep your fingers crossed , and hope the plan goes well.


5. Professional Piloting UTHM

First of all, yes you have to apply UTHM in Bachelor Of Aeronautical Engineering.The aeronautical engineering technology programme with professional piloting
qualification will prepares graduates with knowledge, problem solving ability and skills
to enter into the respective careers in aviation. UTHM is aiming to produce graduates
not only to fulfil the Malaysian need of manpower for professional pilots but also for
respective global needs. The graduates are expected to perform not only their specific
duties but also to be part of the management team. Graduates may also choose to
embark on professional careers in the following areas:
 airline management
 airline operations
 airport management
 airport operations
 airport planning
 aviation charter business
 aviation consulting
 aviation regulation and safety
 aircraft part manufacturing companies
 aviation research institute
 flight training
 flight simulator training

Few of them were appointed recently by MAB as a cadet. Why not apply this way, even though its a long journey but its worth it.


6. Apply Jobs In Other Department ( Air Asia)

If you have read about Kugan, he worked as a flight dispatch before getting into the cadetship. By this he gained lots of experience before applying it for 7 times and finally making it through this program. They are known as internal cadets. I have seen people applying from other departments as well, such as:

  • Ramp Workers
  • Cabin Crew
  • Flight Ops
  • Supervisors

But you have to work for 2 years before applying


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Daniel August 7, 2019 - 6:10 pm

Any updates on the PTPTN?

Visnu September 1, 2019 - 11:52 pm

Still in progress. Will update once its up

Mohd Firdaus bin Rosli August 19, 2019 - 3:43 pm

Good writing and info, btw in para 2 not Royal Military Air Force. It is Royal Malaysian Air Force.

Visnu September 1, 2019 - 11:51 pm

Thank you for the feedback Mr Firdaus.

Beau mcginley October 30, 2019 - 3:46 pm

I want to go to school for commercial pilot is there tuition dose it cost can you help me out?

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