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Home Aviation Aspiring Pilot Experience-Erwin.R

Aspiring Pilot Experience-Erwin.R

by Visnu

Erwin Romm (Real name withheld for personal reasons)

“Hello, I’m Erwin, hailing from Kuantan, Pahang. As of now, I’m 20 years of age. I applied for this cadetship on April 2018 and got my offer letter the same exact day the Enola Gay dropped the first atomic bomb on Japan: August 6th 2018.”

I stumbled upon Visnu’s(V) blog when I randomly Googled ‘AirAsia Cadet Pilot’. The first article V published captivated me and I was enticed to getting to know the Legend. I got in touch with V and he immediately introduced me to a WhatsApp Group set up under his own initiative for a simple purpose: To enlighten and share resources among its 200+ members in the hopes of giving an edge to the members among the rest and pass through the stages.

In Stage 1, our group discussed past year questions where we tutored one another. Stage 2, a member was kind enough to forward a sample test of the Harrison Assessment. Stage 3 was the most memorable stage for me as I got to meet some of the members who banded to train together for the Psychomotor Test (The hardest stage in AA, many faltered at this stage). The result, all six of us who pulled our weight together managed to pass Stage 3. Truth goes far for the old adage “Strength is found in numbers.”

In Stage 4, we discussed questions and adopted Visnu’s previous strategies where he and another candidate (Tan from TurtlesFlyToo) exchanged quickfire questions between one another. True to form, this strategy helped me enormously when I faced the dreaded IV panel at Stage 4.

Finally after a long wait, I received word that I had been shortlisted for the loan briefing. I was tremendously overjoyed. Nothing could make me happier. Once again, I think all of this would not have happened should I forego V’s guidance and his WhatsApp group. I also would like to attribute my success to others too who have gone out of their way to help me throughout this journey. Most heroes don’t wear capes; they wear ray-bans instead. XDXD

For those who stumbled upon this cadetship. Keep your head up high as AA will resume their cadetship next year as well. A little backtrack homage towards V on his two word-one meaning advice to all of his readers “Be Prepared”. Thanks V. ^^

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” – Benjamin Franklin

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